Michael Backman’s book, ‘Asia Future Shock’

“accusing Malaysia of having squandered everything that it had going for it since independence in 1957 through wasteful government policies and corruption”
“few countries are as good as Malaysia as wasting money, and highlights the fact that 35 per cent of the country’s budget is supported by oil revenues – but the oil reserves will be exhausted in 2025”
“Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi came to office in 2003 promising to clean up corruption, but “to date, his has been one of the most ineffectual efforts imaginable”.
South Korea and Japan
•South Korea is the fastest growth population in the world.
•At 2022 SK citizen with age more than 50 years old are 4 times bigger than under 50years old.
•South Korea citizen is modern people who are self oriented.
•There will be more men than women because in South Korea man bring family name. They prefer boy than girl
•In 2030, population will reach 2,5 bilion people.
•People with age 43 above is more than under 43 because one child policy and wealth. Rich people don’t like have many children.
•China government filter every information that will give negative/bad influence to them. They cooperate with Google so that they can control the information networks .
•In order to get foreign oil company, they diversify their source of energy with nuclear.
•They will face water crisis because geographic condition doesn’t allow them to get water easily.
North Korea
•In 2004 they don’t allow people to have cellphone and use internet.
•South Korea always pursue North Korea to see what they will get if they are not communist.
•South Korea provide food for North Korea.
•Nowadays many Indian company go international because they want diversified far from India.
•For long time ago, India government doesn’t allow their people to ga abroad because it is influenced by Hindi tradition.
•Business in India is hard because implementation of the government policy is bad so that the business environment can not predictable. And privatizations move slowly.
•Salary in Indonesia but corruption makes expenses for business high.
•The country risk also high refer to Garuda airplane accident in 2007, terrorisms, nature, and how the government react in those situations.
•Many foreign investors not sure investing in Indonesia is good idea.
•Corruption only measured by quantity
•Democracy post-Soeharto create new types of corruption.
•Foreign investors loss million dollars in Indonesia because local politicians unreliable.
•Business people especially from Chinese ethnic abandon Indonesia. They live in Singapore, U.S.A and Australia.
•Corruption in Indonesia is very bad so that foreign investor must think twice about investing in Indonesia.
•Some people think that Indonesia should out from OPEC so that they can save$2 billion for membership fee.
•From 2004 to 2005 investing in Malaysia decrease 14%.
•Foreign investor not interest with Malaysia anymore because some issues about Malaysian birocracy, affirmative action policy, no experts, and religion.
•The way they clean corruption is not work / effective.
•Vietnam is the next China.
•Export increase faster than China.
•Vietnam develop many variety of export therefore Vietnam’s economics will save. The risk is low.
•Vietnam not face demographics problem because they use two childs policy.
•Vietnam prepare themselves to be member of WTO.